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Yuri Boyko Successful Ukraine Program
The Preliminary Results, Perspectives and Plans as of August 11, 2004
1. We are now four months away from the point at which the Program has been first presented to the public. With presidential nomination over Ukraine is well into a new and critical period. It is today that all of us, including Yuri Boyko and his supporters – should be into profound search for effective and balanced solutions to suit our country and to embrace our future.
2.A short review of standing results within Successful Ukraine Program Seven Points. Yuri Boyko has personally or indirectly contacted leading Ukrainian politicians with a proposal to comment on and to discuss strategic reform initiatives on the Successful Ukraine Agenda. The Successful Ukraine was mentioned and discussed in a number of analytical articles and television programs. A series of press-conferences and round tables have been organized. A great job was done to establish close and personal interaction between the author and interested citizens, as some productive communication took place both in cyberspace and in a person-to-person format.;
- The Successful Ukraine today is a popular and recognizable social brand.
- The declared goal of speeding up Ukraine's economic growth and welfare, which should result in Ukraine's transformation into a 'European Tiger', similar to those is South East Asia – is supported by a critical number of politicians and scientists. In fact, dozens of research articles have been devoted to that idea in recent years. Most presidential candidates have included relevant promises into their electoral agendas.
- The idea of consolidation of all forces and resources behind the concept of Successful Ukraine is very much in accordance and in harmony with public expectations;
- It turned out to be effectively impossible to negotiate some acceptable form of peace between the government and the right-wing opposition. As the campaign is heating up, it is evidently too early to persuade leaders of dozens of parties to produce two major blocks. Yet, this goal has been excluded from the list in June of 2004 . However, the philosophy of generation of important and responsible coalitions out of feeble and formal parties remains popular and up-to-date:
- the factions of a parliamentary majority, led by the government, have created a Coalition of Democratic Forces;
- There is a clear drive to create another basic coalition on the basis of 'Our Ukraine' faction in the parliament, where small political parties are to be molded;
- The complex of political, economic and social measures with capital amnesty (legalization) included , which has been put forward by Yuri Boyko is obviously gaining momentum among citizens and politicians. Quite a variety of measures proposed within the above complex are resounded in presidential candidates' programs;
- A significant contribution has been made to the process of securing democratic character and transparency of the upcoming presidential election:
- It is after the press-conference on the 27 th of May, that the "Declaration of Concordance" and the "Open Letter" were transferred to the nation's political leaders. Unfortunately, the representatives of the Ukrainian political elite have refused to participate in the appeasement round-table.
- As a result of a round-table between country's leading political scientists, the stage was set for the proposal to sign the "Honest Elections Memorandum" and the "Political Stability Pact", which has been directed to leading presidential candidates on the part of the nation's largest political research centers. Yuri Boyko has actively participated in the adoption of those documents and had signed the letter to political leaders. Unfortunately, the initiative did not meet necessary understanding on the part of the above persons, as the worst expectations, related to by Yuri Boyko in his "Novy" channel interview the same day – came real.
- Nevertheless, quite a number of candidates (Viktor Yushenko, Olexander Moroz and Petro Symonenko) are currently part to agreements, which are a near analogue to those proposed by us.
- A quick and perceptible change turned out to be a hard job to do, as the political situation in the country is more tense and complicated than expected.
The Outcome:
The first part of his mission , and this is to 'inform the political, business and management establishment of Ukraine of Successful Ukraine agenda' – has been evidently fulfilled by Yuri Boyko.
The second part – and that is to «to influence the leading representatives of elites and mass-media with relevance to their choice of an optimal way of development for the country» – Yuri Boyko has completed in part
3. What to do now?
- Yuri Boyko doesn't want to become a political leader or a state bureaucrat, and also he sees no particular or urgent necessity in creation of a new political party;
- Many supporters of the Program made their point to enter a political force which views and position are closest to that of "Successful Ukraine". But:
- What is the practical sense of joining a political party for a person, who has no plans to take power?
- What are Yuri Boyko and his supporters, who want to live in Successful Ukraine going to do in the case of defeat scored by that hypothetical political force in the coming election? To wait another five years?
- An important part of the population doesn't believe any political party. They need new ideas.
- The most effective and well-grounded tactics within the above-mentioned circumstances is to create a public association, a civic movement for consolidation , which aims at the development of Successful Ukraine, and deems Successful Ukraine to be a nationwide project of primary and strategic importance. That civic movement will move towards its declared goal by means of popular Enlightenment, appreciation of citizens' personal responsibility for their own and the national destiny, promotion of ideas of success, democracy and market economy, consolidation of all civic unions, producing impact upon political forces. That is, by using all of instruments, available to us within the civic society we all want to build.
Yuri Boyko will be very obliged to every Ukrainian citizen who will communicate his or her ideas about whether such an organization, like the All-Ukrainian Civic Association Successful Ukraine is necessary and urgent.
