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English version / main subjects
Guidelines for Membership
We Are an All-Ukrainian Civic Association (ACA)
«Successful Ukraine»
(a public fellowship, not a party)
Our Fellowship Promises the Following:
- To become a successful person
- To become a citizen of a successful, free, democratic, competitive nation, respected worldwide, in 10 years or earlier
- To acquire legal advice within ACA «Successful Ukraine» area of expertise
- To receive stealth support from the ACA when defending your constitutional rights
- To get a new job through a special network or through ACA ‘Successful Ukraine' own contacts
- To find friends, spiritual and business partners in other regions and abroad
- To become an active participant of the information age, your free electronic address is– or
You Are One of Us, if:
- Our nation's future is not indifferent to you
- You share goals and mission of the Successful Ukraine
- You are a citizen of Ukraine or of another country
- You want to get real civic rights, and we don't care whether you are a member of a different party or of a public association, or whether you aren't, whether you are a person or a legal body
- You are over 14 years of age
- You have indicated your real name and contacts in the application form
- You are paying your member fees in case your monthly income is over UAU 3000.00. Otherwise we will ask you to bring at least one new member in.
The Way We Do Our Job:
- We study and promote the ACA Program. Dozens and hundreds of ground assignments – this is what the ACA ‘Successful Ukraine' consists of.
- We lead an active lifestyle – we urge respect of our civic rights by employers, bureaucrats, law-enforcement institutions and all other structures within government and business. We generate new ideas, we learn from our successful fellows and become successful ourselves. We think positively, we are confident of ourselves and we believe in our lucky future
- We elect politicians, most able to create all opportunities for every citizen to satisfy their basic needs, to realize oneself and to transform our country into a Successful one. We have aright to know and to edit programs of all candidates before elections of all levels
- We respect the choice of the majority and support the legally elected authority at all levels. We analyze the accordance between government's policies and its campaign program, and also of both in the context of people's real needs. Under circumstances of politicians' failure to follow their declarations, we secure a right to initiate a local or a national referendum to call away the bankrupt political force, or will unambiguously vote for the opposition in the upcoming election.
- We live according to the law and we defend our moral values
- We believe in Ukraine's success, we transfer information about the ACA around to our relatives, friends and acquaintances and we invite them to become members of the ACA ‘Successful Ukraine'
- We take part in our local ACA proceedings
Ukraine's Success is Built of Our Personal Gains!
Минулого тижня керівництво МЗС презентувало новий продукт – візуальну концепцію України, а також стратегію позиціонування країни в світі. Безпосереднім розробником та ідеологом виступила компанія CFC Consulting.